Saturday, January 11, 2020

Class Ring

While looking through a yard sale your found something that looks like a ring. So glancing at it you wonder if it would fit? So you place it on your finger. But right when you it touch your ring finger a cloud surrounds you then you felt weird and dizzy. You black out but when you awoken you found your self standing on a grass field and notice everyone is dress like if it was the 80s. You look down and saw that you now have a body of a chick. You look at the ring and notice the ring said "Class of 1980" You are now stuck in the past and the weirdest thing is you are now your mothers BFF. How much weirder? But you to loose focus when to boys approach you and your teenage mom. These 2 kind of look like your dad and your uncle? But what all you want to do is have fun.


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